So on a TV show the other day I saw a kind zombie of which I had never really thought: robot zombie. I've thought of cyborg zombies and zombie cyborgs but never a true, full robot that turned into a zombie.
A little depth: the show was the new Transformers cartoon (if you want to get into the debate of a grown man watching cartoons go talk to my fiance, I'm sure she'll agree that I shouldn't be). It's called Transformers Prime and I watched it on Hub, which plays mostly cartoons and also some family shows (they show the original Transformers and the original GI Joe nightly as well as playing the newest variations on weekends). In the episode I watched Megaton lures Optimus Prime to a high walled canyon in which Megaton has a small army of, you guessed it, Transformer zombies. In and of itself you may think that this is just some lame, childish gag. I don't think it is.
This army of robot zombies is comprised of fallen Deceptacons who have been re-energized with "dark energon." Now, if you didn't already figure it out, "fallen" means dead and "dark energon" means space radiation. The devil, or in this case the saint, is in the details. These details bring what could be a childish gag in line with the entire basis of our shared zombie culture. This goes back to the fundamentals, people.
I don't think I've touched on this point on this blog yet, but I think that space radiation zombies are the best and most reasonable zombies that one may see (other than maybe voodoo zombies but they're just not as cool). The reasons why I think this are a little much for this post but I assure you I'll get into them later. This is about robot zombies and specifically space radiation robot zombies.
First of all sentient robots are a necessary staring point since you can't really call something a zombie when it was never truly sentient. So we start with sentient robots which is almost always awesome. Next we have dead robots, think of a junkyard for Transformers... also awesome. Lastly we add dark energon, space radiation, how could that not be awesome? So, in effect, the equation we end up with is awesome + awesome + awesome = robot zombies.
Bottom line: As you can imagine, space radiation robot zombies are awesome cubed.
Another interesting kind of Zombie that I accidentally ran across while looking up Betty Page. Gross, but I thought you might like it.
I like Miss March. That's pretty funny.