Zombie reproductive health, it's an important topic. If you've ever watched Dead Alive then you certainly understand the importance of teaching zombies about their bodies and hormones. I'm sure none of us wants to deal with the consequences of zombie sex: pushing a zombaby around in a stroller, trying to keep it from eating people. But on a more serious note, is it even possible?
Do zombies still have use of their reproductive organs? It's certainly an interesting question. Obviously a zombie who has lost its reproductive organs wouldn't be able to reproduce. But it's a different question for those with intact genitalia and other essential organs. In my mind it comes down to how a zombie became a zombie.
A voodoo zombie should be able to reproduce if so directed. But would the child of a voodoo zombie be a zombie? I'm inclined to say no, on the premise that the baby would have to be put under the same kind of magic that its parent is under. Now, in general a voodoo zombie would have to be directed to reproduce, so he who is giving directions would probably be alert to the birth of the child.
It's simple for a space radiation zombie: the space radiation would render the zombies sterile and incapable of conception.
I'd imagine a virulent zombie would pass on the virus to its child, like in Dead Alive or the remake of Dawn of the Dead. There is an interesting difference between the two though: in Dawn the woman was pregnant when she became a zombie and in Alive both the nurse and the priest were zombies before they had sex. I would say that if one is pregnant and becomes a zombie she would have to be at least in the third trimester to successfully birth a zombaby. Otherwise I'd say that the pregnancy would end in a miscarriage or stillbirth, due to the fact that the organs necessary to keep the child alive would be inoperative. On the other hand, though, would be the thought that if the baby is a zombie in the womb it wouldn't need the same kind of nutrients and prenatal care that regular human babies need.
Then there's the issue of two zombies having sex and conceiving. To me it would seem that this would become harder to do the longer someone has been a zombie, especially for the male. Obviously after being a zombie for a few days the male would no longer have any active sperm, a condition which would render sex useless (being that neither party gets any pleasure out of it just as they don't feel any pain). Secondly is the question of whether or not the female's ovaries would still be functional. One can imagine that within the first month of a female becoming a zombie pregnancy would be possible (depending on where she was on her cycle before becoming a zombie) and possibly even beyond that point as a female zombie might not ever get menses. This could potentially mean that a female zombie could be fertile with one zombie egg indefinitely.
Which brings me to my final point: zombie rape. I recently watched the movie Deadgirl and I don't want to get too much into that movie on here because I'd like to keep this as PG-13 as possible. (I do recommend you watch Deadgirl but wait until the kids go to bed. Also, it is a very messed up movie so be prepared for that.) I will say that the movie brought up the idea of zombies being violated and the associate moral implications. I don't think I've pondered on these topics long enough to give you a definitive answer but I will leave you with some questions to ponder upon yourself. Do zombies have rights in regard to their own bodies? Is it morally wrong to rape a zombie or would it not count as a person? Is it wrong to keep a zombie "alive" for sexual purposes? Would there be a purpose for which it would be right to keep a zombie "alive"? Once someone becomes a zombie, would he then be considered less than human?
Sorry to get all philosophical on you, but I think that these are the important questions in life.
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