Tuesday, November 23, 2010

AMC's The Walking Dead - My First Take

When I first heard about a TV show about zombies I got pretty excited.  Think of the possibilities!  Zombies have broken through to most media now, but had not yet crossed to the small screen.  After starting in movies there are now zombie books, short stories, video games... blogs.  But a TV show, that's breaking new ground as far as I know, at least as a show being solely about zombies and not just having zombies as part of a show that's mainly about something else.
If you haven't been watching, "The Walking Dead" is a new show on the cable channel AMC that's about an outbreak (they seem to be virulent zombies) of zombies.  It centers around a sheriff's deputy from a small town in Georgia who is involved in a shooting and wakes up to find the world overrun with zombies.  Essentially the same premise as "28 Days Later."
Well, I'm not ready to call it yet because they still have the time, opportunity, and set up to make this a really good show.  Unfortunately, I'm leaning towards setting up my DVR to stop recording this show and I only keep holding on because of the opportunity and set up that are there.  The biggest problem, though, is that this show is more of a chore to watch and less of a pleasure and the biggest reason for that is simple: not enough zombies.


If you have been watching you may feel like me in that there is way too much talking on this show and not nearly enough brain eating/shooting.
The zombies are good.  They're your basic, virulent, Romero style.  The makeup and shuffling are good and overall I'm very happy with the zombies on this show, just give me more of them please.
Other than the lack of zombies, here's a list of questions that I have about the show that I'll need answered before I can really get onboard with it:
Seriously, who wanders into a major metropolitan area after seeing that the army couldn't handle the outbreak in a little podunk, hillbilly town?
Why didn't the zombies eat that dude?  Can you keep them from eating you by laying down and closing your eyes?  Will they not eat you in your sleep, apparently?
Do the writers of the show realize that military, police, and citizen's band radios all work on different frequencies and are not interchangeable and do not work together?
What supplies were they getting at a department store?  Blazers and dishwashers?
Where did they pick up every racist, misogynist d-bag in the Atlanta area?
Why do they need to wash their clothes every day?  How many clothes are they wearing that it takes 4 women all day, every day to wash them?
Why is there only one person hunting?  Why is he hunting alone?  Why isn't anyone else helping him to make sure that they can keep what he kills?
What do all the guys in the camp do all day?  Sit on their asses and complain that their RVs don't run?
Why would you go all the way into Atlanta to get supplies?  There aren't any stores on the outskirts that have the same things?  Did they need to pick up the symphony or something?
Why aren't they farming anything?
All these trees around and nobody can make a fence around their camp?  Well I guess if the zombies won't eat you in your sleep there's not much need for a fence, right?
Why are they all such jerks to each other?  As far as they know there's only 20 or less people in the world and they still can't work together?
They brought like 6 people into Atlanta to get supplies and they leave with one backpack full of stuff?  Even if their plan gets messed up can't they find more than a backpack full of stuff to bring back?  Maybe some more clothes so they don't have to wash them all the time.

I really am sorry to get so nitpicky about this but every time I watch the show I end up with more questions than answers.  Maybe the writers could take some more time to make sure that the character's actions are realistic and a little less time trying as hard as they can to pump in as much fake emotion as they can.  I could even deal with fewer zombies if they just made things a little bit more realistic.  Not all the characters have to be liars, murderers, wife beaters, klan members or whatever other character flaw d'jour they wish to inject into the show.  I'd much rather see a zombie show that's about man vs zombie instead of man vs man and I think that most zombie fans will agree with me on that.

Bottom Line:  I'm not ready to stop watching yet but I'm much closer than I was after the first episode and that's not a good thing.

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